Promoting Peace & Justice (PPJ) Jhalokathi

Weekly activities for the duration of 30 December to 05 January 2023

Facilitation and monitoring of bi-Month Meetings:
Through this meeting, it will enhance the capacity, and knowledge of UPLAC members and also increase awareness about their roles and responsibilities. They will review their last two-month activities and set the activity and strategy for the next two months. They will also discuss field-level situations, and problems, and overcome processes.

Facilitation and monitoring of bi-Month meetings of UPLAC:
Md. Saidur Rahaman Akon, Chairman, Ponabalia Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi 01712-6601300 Said That- We have already been informed about the web portal. Union Parishad Secretary will take the necessary steps to open a web portal called Union Legal Aid Committee but we need technical support to open the web portal. The Field Officer of PPJ Jhalokathi will provide a video and activity picture of LAS for the web portal.

  • Miking-Saturia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi
  • UPLAC bi-Month Meeting-Kirtipasha Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi
  • bootstrap slider
  • Courtyard Meeting-Ward No-01, Subidpur Union, Nalchity, Jhalokathi-
Miking-Saturia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi1 UPLAC bi-Month Meeting-Kirtipasha Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi2 UPLAC bi-Month-Dapdapia Union, Nalchity, Jhalokathi3 Courtyard Meeting-Ward No-01, Subidpur Union, Nalchity, Jhalokathi-4

Miking campaigns and other mobile information mechanisms:
Mr. Mizanur Rahaman, Service Saturia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi, 01320-762546 said that- I have no idea about LAS. I am very happy to inform about the government legal aid service. It will be more pleasure for me if people get the expected service from DLAC. People like me can inform and get benefits from this miking about free legal aid services.